We've just uploaded a short preview of a documentary we're editing of UK and Olympic rower Guin Batten's historic solo crossing of the Zero Degree Channel of the Maldives, between South Huvadhoo and Foah Mulah. Here's the YouTube link.
The Maldives has its own long tradition of rowing. People of Foah Mulah, for instance, used to row across the Equator in the past, even the longer One and Half Degree Channel. But no one is recorded as having crossed the Equatorial Channel of the Maldives solo, so Guin's feat is a landmark for rowing in the Maldives.
Women of Gahdhoo, in South Huvadhoo Atoll, even now row twice a week to their farms on the uninhabited island of Gan.
Not surprisingly, Guin got a warm welcome from the people of the area, especially Vaadhoo, from where she set off, Foah Mulah and Gahdhoo. The event also sparked interest among women and men in rowing and the newly formed Rowing Association of the Maldives, based on Thinadhoo, has big plans to develop the sport.
Hulhevi Media is hoping to complete the full documentary in May.