This billboard appears on one of the most crowded streets of Male.
Instead of representing the little girl in this image as a child, the designers appear to have made her strike a pose of a much older woman, a seductress. Although the costume worn by the little girl may seem more suited to seedy nightclubs, it is a fact that Maldivian parents often dress up their little ones in fluffs and feathers.
In this particular picture, the little girl is made to lie on a couch with her head tilted suggestively and her legs parted slightly (this part is strategically positioned in the centre of the frame).
Although this billboard is probably an extreme example it, nevertheless, is representative of a media culture in which children are often dressed up as adults and highly-sexualised. The annual TVM school song competition is a case in point with under-five-year-olds often dressed up as much older pop stars. Cameramen then tilt their cameras slowly over the bodies of the children, in what can be regarded as visual caressing.
Hulhevi Media calls for the removal of this billboard, and also takes this opportunity to ask our colleagues in the media industry to adopt ethical standards that have clear guidelines on the representation of children.
totally agree to you. haabees don't see this eh?
Haabees indeed notices these things but what can they do? They are a minority in thier country and they can do as much as they can. Look at what they got when they sent their people to parliament election? The people rejected them infavour of empty hot-air-filled good for nothing kind of ppl and see the result now?
So don't moan the silence of Haabees while failing to give them a platform to shout about.
Lots of salaams from a Haabee
talk of the devil! pixel studio is actually owned by a habi. dont know why. though they say they believe photography and art is haraam.
unfortunately the all male' heads of dept in mnbc and its channels except for the HR and training head who happen to be women, dont see anythin wrong with images like this! they think ppl r making too much out of nothing when such issues r raised! go figure! and intl ethical standards r such a bore and an inconvenience to their so-called creativity!
man this has been really annoying me
how could they take one of the sexiest pose ever & put it on a little kid
hope they take that billboard down
Completely agree with you. This shows how ignorant we are as a society.
Hilathu, kaley Haadha varakashey dhow eh kujja aa dhimaalah thi belee! meehaku mi fotoyah balaafa thikahala echeh hithahves naaruvaanekan yageen ! ekam dhn kaley hithah eri ethi thihiry viyaa! pispis...kaley rangalhuvaany kuda kudhinge foto ah nubeliyyaa!
this is wrong!
as-salam alaikum
so the only problem with this billboard is the age of the girl. so if it was someone's mother, sister, aunt or wife etc. it wouldn't be wrong. how tortured and demented have we become! may Allah guide us.
secondly, when people say Habee do they even know what the word is implying? Al-Wahhaab is one of the most beautiful names of Allah, which every Muslim is required to have faith in, so it is a form of mocking Allah (subahanahu wata'aalaa). In addition to that it is also a form of swearing at someone's parents (i.e. Maa Bafaa govun). 'Abdul-Wahhab (rahimahuAllah) was the father of Shaikh Mohammad ibn 'Abdil-Wahhab (rahimahuAllah). People don't call his followers something like Mohammadeens since it could become a glorification, so they came up with a better idea which is indeed something worse!
thi photo ah balaa fa ey chey hitha araaa nee hus perverts. the photo isnt that bad ,
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